Star Wars: The Old Republic Wiki

Abilities are skills, attacks or powers that players can use in game. Each of the eight player classes, as well as the sixteen advanced classes have access to an array of unique abilities that provide offensive, defensive or support capabilities to players.

Abilities can be upgraded or learned at a certain price which increases with your character level.

While some abilities are shared amongst all classes, there are a lot of abilities that are specific to one class or advanced class.

Class Abilities[]

Shared Class Abilities[]

Ability Bounty Hunter Imperial Agent Jedi Consular Jedi Knight Sith Inquisitor Sith Warrior Smuggler Trooper
Armor Proficiency: Adaptive X X X X X X X X
Armor Proficiency: Focus X X
Armor Proficiency: Heavy X X
Armor Proficiency: Light X X X X X X X X
Armor Proficiency: Medium X X X X X X
Crouch X X
Emergency Fleet Pass X X X X X X X X
Holoconference X X X X X X X X
Quick Travel X X X X X X X X
Speeder Piloting X X X X X X X X
Sprint X X X X X X X X
Switching Instances X X X X X X X X
Take Cover X X
Weapon Proficiency: Blaster Pistol X X
Weapon Proficiency: Blaster Rifle X X
Weapon Proficiency: Lightsaber X X X X
Weapon Proficiency: Training Saber X X X X
Weapon Proficiency: Vibrosword X X X X

Bounty Hunter[]

Ability Name Level Unlocked
Chaff Flare 30
Combustible Gas Cylinder 4
Death From Above 10
Determination 9
Electro Dart 12
Energy Shield 14
Explosive Dart 5
Flame Thrower 8
Heroic Moment: On The Trail 15
Hunter's Boon 1
Hydraulic Overrides 26
Kolto Overload 32
Missile Blast 1
Rail Shot 6
Rapid Shots 1
Recharge And Reload 1
Rocket Punch 2
Thermal Sensor Override 42
Unload 3

Imperial Agent[]

Ability Name Level Unlocked
Adrenaline Probe 14
Coordination 1
Corrosive Dart 5
Countermeasures 30
Debilitate 4
Distraction 18
Escape 9
Evasion 24
Explosive Probe 1
Flashbang 6
Fragmentation Grenade 3
Heroic Moment: Advanced Recon 15
Orbital Strike 48
Overload Shot 8
Recuperate 1
Rifle Shot 1
Shield Probe 32
Shiv 2
Slice Droid 12
Snipe 1
Weapon Proficiency: Vibroknife 1

Jedi Consular[]

Ability Name Level Unlocked
Double Strike 1
Force Lift 4
Force Of Will 9
Force Potency 8
Force Slow 22
Force Speed 16
Force Stun 6
Force Valor 1
Force Wave 3
Heroic Moment: Channel The Force 15
Meditation 1
Mind Crush 14
Mind Snap 18
Project 1
Saber Strike 1
Telekinetic Throw 2

Jedi Knight[]

Ability Name Level Unlocked
Awe 42
Blade Storm 6
Cyclone Slash 32
Dispatch 46
Force Kick 18
Force Leap 2
Force Might 1
Force Stasis 24
Force Sweep 3

Heroic Moment: Call On The Force

Introspection 1
Master Strike 8
Resolute 9
Riposte 5
Riposte (Passive) 5
Saber Ward 4
Shii-Cho Form 1
Slash 1
Strike 1

Sith Inquisitor[]

Ability Name Level Unlocked
Crushing Darkness 14
Electrocute 6
Force lightning 2
Force Slow 22
Force Speed 16
Heroic Moment: Channel The Force 15
Jolt 18
Mark Of Power 1
Overload 3
Recklessness 8
Saber Strike 1
Seethe 1
Shock 1
Thrash 1
Unbreakable Will 9
Whirlwind 4

Sith Warrior[]

Ability Name Level Unlocked
Assault 1
Channel Hatred 1
Disruption 18
Force Charge 2
Force Choke 24
Heroic Moment: Call On The Force 15
Intimidating Roar 42
Ravage 8
Retaliation 5
Riposte Passive 5
Saber Ward 4
Shii-Cho Form 1
Smash 3
Sweeping Slash 32
Unleash 9
Unnatural Might 1
Vicious Slash 1
Vicious Throw 46


Ability Name Level Unlocked
Blaster Whip 3
Charged Burst 1
Cool Head 14
Crouch 1
Defense Screen 32
Dirty Kick 5
Distraction 18
Dodge 24
Escape 9
Flash Grenade 6
Flurry Of Bolts 1
Heroic Moment: All In 15
Lucky Shots 1
Quick Shot 8
Recuperate 1
Sabotage Charge 1
Slice Droid 12
Surrender 30
Take Cover 1
Thermal Grenade 3
Vital Shot 5
XS Freighter Flyby 48


Ability Name Level Unlocked
Adrenaline Rush 32
Cryo Grenade 12
Explosive Round 1
Fortification 1
Full Auto 3
Hammer Shot 1
Heroic Moment: No Retreat 15
High Impact Bolt 6
Hold The Line 26
Mortar Volley 10
Plasma Cell 4
Pulse Cannon 8
Reactive Shield 14
Recharge And Reload 1
Recharge Cells 1
Reserve Powercell 42
Stealth Scan 36
Sticky Grenade 5
Stockstrike 2
Tenacity 9

Advanced Class Abilities[]

Shared Advanced Class Abilities[]

Ability Commando Gunslinger Jedi Guardian Jedi Sage Jedi Sentinel Jedi Shadow Mercenary Operative Powertech Scoundrel Sith Assassin Sith Juggernaut Sith Maruader Sith Sorcerer Sniper Vanguard
Armor Proficiency: Focus X X
Armor Proficiency: Heavy X X
Armor Proficiency: Power Generator X X X
Armor Proficiency: Shield Generator X X X X X X
Weapon Proficiency: Double-Bladed Lightsaber X X
Weapon Proficiency: Electrostaff X X


Ability Name

Level Unlocked
Advanced Medical Probe 16
Armor-Piercing Cell 12
Assault Plastique 1
Bacta Infusion 1
Charged Bolts 10
Combat Support Cell 14
Concussion Charge 14
Concussive Round 22
Demolition Round 1
Disabling Shot 18
Electro Net 51
Emergency Medical Probe 50
Field Aid 24
Frontline Physician 10
Grav Round 1
Hail Of Bolts 12
Incendiary Round 1
Kolto Bomb 20
Mass Accelerator 10
Medical Probe 10
Mortar Salvo 10
Plasma Grenade 18
Supercharge Cells 1
Tech Override 46
Trauma Probe 1
Weapon Proficiency: Assault Cannon 10


Ability Name

Level Unlocked
Aimed Shot 10
Burst Volley
Crack Shot 10
Diversion 20
Dual Wield 10
Flourish Shot 28
Hemorrhaging Shot 45
Hightail It 51
Hold Position 10
Hunker Down 20
Illegal Mods 50
Incendiary Grenade 45
Leg Shot 15
Pulse Detonator 16
Quickdraw 18
Ready For Anything 10
Sabotage 45
Scrambling Field 42
Shock Charge 20
Shrap Bomb 20
Smuggler's Luck 10
Speed Shot 36
Sweeping Gunfire 22
Wounding Shots

Jedi Guardian[]

Ability Name

Level Unlocked
Blade Turning 10
Challenging Call 30
Combat Focus 22
Enure 28
Focused Defense 38
Force Exhaustion 1
Force Push 26
Freezing Force 12
Guard 14
Guardian Leap 50
Guardian Slash 1
Hilt Strike 1
Overhead Slash 1
Plasma Brand 1
Saber Reflect 51
Saber Throw 36
Shien Form 1
Soresu Form 14
Sundering Strike 10
Taunt 16
Visionary 10
Warding Call 1
Zealous Leap 1

Jedi Sage[]

Ability Name

Level Unlocked
Benevolence 10
Cloud Mind 30
Deliverance 12
Disturbance 10
Force Armor 14
Force Barrier 51
Force In Balance 1
Force Mend 18
Force Reach 10
Force Studies 10
Forcequake 34
Healing Trance 1
Jedi Healer 10
Mental Alacrity 28
Noble Sacrifice 20
Rejuvenate 1
Rescue 42
Restoration 24
Revival 50
Salvation 1
Sever Force 1
Telekinetic Wave 1
Turbulence 1
Weaken Mind 16

Jedi Sentinel[]

Ability Name

Level Unlocked
Ataru Form 1
Blade Rush 1
Cauterize 12
Centering 10
Crippling Throw 18
Disable Droid 28
Dual Wield 10
Force Camouflage 30
Force Exhaustion 1
Guarded By The Force 38
Inspiration 44
Juyo Form 14
Leg Slash 16
Merciless Slash 1
Overload Saber 1
Pacify 26
Precision Slash 1
Rebuke 10
Transcendence 22
Twin Saber Throw 51
Valorous Call 50
Zealous Leap 1
Zealous Strike 10
Zen 10

Jedi Shadow[]

Ability Name

Level Unlocked
Battle Readiness 50
Blackout 22
Clairvoyant Strike 1
Combat Technique 14
Deflection 24
Force Breach 12
Force Cloak 22
Force In Balance 1
Force Pull 1
Force Technique 10
Guard 14
Kinetic Ward 1
Low Slash 1
Mass Mind Control 30
Mind Control 16
Mind Maze 20
Phase Walk 51
Resilience 36
Sever Force 1
Shadow Strike 10
Shadow Technique 1
Shadow's Training 10
Slow Time 1
Spinning Kick 42
Spinning Strike 32
Stealth 10
Whirling Blow 26


Ability Name

Level Unlocked
Combat Support Cylinder 14
Concussion Missile 22
Cure 24
Disabling Shot 18
Dual Wield 10
Electro Net 51
Emergency Scan 1
Fusion Missile 18
Healing Scan 16
Heatseeker Missiles 1
High Velocity Gas Cylinder 12
Hired Protection 10
Incendiary Missile 1
Jet Boost 14
Kolto Missile 20
Kolto Shell 1
Missile Salvo 10
Onboard AED 50
Power Shot 10
Power Surge 46
Propulsion Systems 10
Rapid Scan 10
Supercharged Gas 1
Sweeping Blasters 12
Thermal Detonator 1
Tracer Missile 1


Ability Name

Level Unlocked
Acid Blade 1
Backstab 10
Carbine Burst 12
Cloaking Screen 22
Collateral Strike 1
Corrosive Grenade 1
Cull 1
Diagnostic Scan 18
Hidden Strike 36
Infiltrate 42
Kolto Infusion 14
Kolto Injection 10
Kolto Probe 1
Laceration 1
Medical Doctor 10
Preparedness 10
Recuperative Nanotech 1
Resuscitation Probe 50
Sever Tendon 26
Skirmisher 10
Sleep Dart 20
Sneak 22
Stealth 10
Stim Boost 16
Surgical Probe 1
Tactical Advantage 10
Toxin Scan 24
Weakening Blast 1


Ability Name

Level Unlocked
Carbonize 46
Close And Personal 10
Explosive Fuel 50
Flame Burst 10
Flame Sweep 24
Grapple 22
Guard 14
Heat Blast 1
High Energy Gas Cylinder 20
Immolate 1
Incendiary Blast 1
Ion Gas Cylinder 14
Jet Charge 1
Neural Dart 16
Oil Slick 1
Quell 18
Retractable Blade 1
Sonic Missile 30
Thermal Detonator 1


Ability Name

Level Unlocked
Back Blast 10
Blaster Volley 12
Blasters Blazing 10
Defibrillator 10
Diagnostic Scan 18
Disappearing Act 22
Emergency Medpac 1
Flechette Round 1
Flying Fists 1
Heartrigger Patch 50
Hemorrhaging Blast 1
Kolto Cloud 1
Kolto Pack 14
Pugnacity 16
Shoot First 36
Shrap Bomb 1
Slow-Release Medpac 1
Smuggle 42
Sneak 22
Stealth 10
Street Tough 10
Sucker Punch 1
Tendon Blast 26
Tranquilizer 20
Triage 24
Underworld Medicine 10
Upper Hand 10
Weapon Proficiency: Scattergun 10
Wounding Shots 1

Sith Assassin[]

Ability Name

Level Unlocked
Assassin's Training 10
Assassinate 32
Blackout 22
Creeping Terror 1
Dark Charge 14
Dark Ward 1
Death Field 1
Deflection 24
Discharge 12
Force Cloak 22
Force Pull 1
Force Shroud 36
Guard 14
Lacerate 26
Lightning Charge 10
Low Slash 1
Mass Mind Control 30
Maul 10
Mind Control 16
Mind Trap 20
Overcharge Saber 50
Spike 42
Stealth 10
Surging Charge 1
Voltaic Slash 1
Wither 1

Sith Juggernaut[]

Ability Name

Level Unlocked
Backhand 1
Blade Turning 10
Chilling Scream 12
Crushing Blow 1
Endless Rage 10
Endure Pain 28
Enrage 22
Enraged Defense 38
Force Crush 1
Force Push 26
Guard 14
Impale 1
Intercede 50
Invincible 1
Obliterate 1
Saber Throw 36
Shatter 1
Shien Form 1
Soresu Form 14
Sundering Assault 10
Taunt 16
Threatening Scream 30

Sith Marauder[]

Ability Name

Level Unlocked
Annihilate 1
Ataru Form 1
Battering Assault 10
Berserk 10
Bloodthirst 44
Cloak Of Pain 10
Crippling Slash 16
Deadly Saber 1
Deadly Throw 18
Disable Droid 28
Dual Wield 10
Force Camouflage 30
Force Crush 1
Frenzy 50
Fury 10
Gore 1
Juyo Form 14
Massacre 1
Obfuscate 26
Obliterate 1
Predation 22
Rupture 12
Undying Rage 38

Sith Sorcerer[]

Ability Name

Level Unlocked
Affliction 16
Chain Lightning 1
Cloud Mind 30
Consumption 20
Creeping Terror 1
Dark Heal 10
Dark Infusion 12
Death Field 1
Extrication 42
Force Attunement 10
Force Storm 34
Innervate 1
Lightning Strike 10
Polarity Shift 28
Purge 24
Reanimation 50
Resurgence 1
Revivification 1
Sith Lifebinder 10
Sith Purity 1
Static Barrier 14
Thundering Blast 1
Transmission 10
Unnatural Preservation 18


Ability Name

Level Unlocked
Advanced Targeting 10
Ambush 10
Ballistic Shield 42
Corrosive Grenade 1
Cover Pulse 16
Cull 1
Diversion 1
EMP Discharge 1
Entrench 20
Followthrough 1
Hold Position 10
Interrogation Probe 1
Laze Target 10
Leg Shot 12
Plasma Probe 1
Series Of Shots 36
Scatter Shot 28
Sniper Volley 1
Spotter 10
Suppressive Fire 22
Takedown 18
Target Acquired 50
Weakening Blast 1
Weapon Proficiency: Sniper Rifle 10


Ability Name

Level Unlocked
Assault Plastique 1
Battle Focus 50
Energy Blast 1
Explosive Surge 24
Fire Pulse 1
Guard 14
Gut 1
Harpoon 22
High Energy Cell 20
Incendiary Round 1
Into The Fray 10
Ion Cell 14
Ion Pulse 10
Neural Jolt 16
Neural Surge 46
Riot Gas 1
Riot Strike 18
Sonic Round 30
Storm 1