Star Wars: The Old Republic Wiki

Customization Vendor Locations[]

Republic Vendor Locations[]

  • Vendor Name: Tamin
  • Only available to players with an security key authenticator tied to their account.
  • Customization cost: 12,500c
  • Location: Republic Fleet, Carrick Station at X: -4753 Y: -4680
  • Customizations available: Aric Jorgan [1 / 4], Corso Riggs [8], Qyzen [1 / 4], T7 [6]

  • Vendor Name: Jhaffus
  • Only available to players with a VIP Lounge Wristband
  • Customization cost: 2,000c - 12,500c
  • Location: Republic Fleet, Carrick Station > "Upper Ring" at X: -4665 Y: -4665
  • Customizations available: Aric Jorgan [3], Corso Riggs [7], Qyzen [3], T7 [5]

  • Vendor Name: Tatrog
  • Customization cost: 12,500c
  • Location: Taris, Olaris Mess Hall at X: -1901 Y: 368
  • Customizations available: Aric Jorgan [2], Corso Riggs [1 - 6], Kira Carsen [1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 6], Qyzen [2], T7 [1 - 4]

  • Vendor Name: Guunta
  • Customization cost: 12,500c
  • Location: Balmorra, Bugtown > Farnel Outpost Command Center at X: 278 Y: -233
  • Customizations available: Aric Jorgan [2], Bowdaar [1 - 4], Corso Riggs [1 - 6], Elara Dorne [1 - 6], Kira Carsen [1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 6], Qyzen [2], Risha [1 - 6], T7 [1 - 4], Tharan Cedrax [1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 7 / 8]

  • Vendor Name: M-5Q5
  • Customization cost: 12,500c - 20,000c
  • Location: Belsavis, Minimum Security Section > Prison Administration Center at X: 1267 Y: 256
  • Customizations available: Akaavi Spar [1 - 6], Aric Jorgan [2], Bowdaar [1 - 4], Corso Riggs [1 - 6], Doc [2 - 7], Elara Dorne [1 - 6], Kira Carsen [1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 6], Lieutenant Iresso [1 / 2 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7], Lord Scourge [1 - 5], Qyzen [2], Risha [1 - 6], T7 [1 - 4], Tharan Cedrax [1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 7 / 8], Zenith [1 / 2 / 3 / 5 / 6 / 7]

  • Vendor Name: Zev-Ulee
  • Customization cost: N/A
  • Location: Corellia Shipyards Republic Market at X: 817 Y: 796 > N/A
  • Customizations available: N/A

  • Vendor Name: Captain Keely
  • Only available to players with an security key authenticator tied to their account.
  • Customization cost: 12,500c - 35,000c
  • Location: Ilum, Republic Orbital Station at X: -1019 Y: 0
  • Customizations available: Akaavi Spar [8], Aric Jorgan [1 / 4], Bowdaar [5 / 6], Corso Riggs [8], Doc [1], Elara Dorne [8], Guss [1 / 2], Kira Carsen [8], Lieutenant Iresso [8], Lord Scourge [8], M1-4X [1 / 2], Nadia Grell [7], Qyzen [1 / 4], Risha [8], T7 [6], Tanno [1], Tharan Cedrax [6], Yuun [1], Zenith [8]

  • Vendor Name: Sergeant Koam
  • Customization cost: 12,500c - 35,000c
  • Location: Ilum, Base Camp > Republic Market at X: 516 Y: 635
  • Customizations available: Akaavi Spar [1 - 6], Aric Jorgan [2], Bowdaar [1 - 4], Corso Riggs [1 - 6], Doc [2 - 7], Elara Dorne [1 - 6], Kira Carsen [1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 6], Lieutenant Iresso [1 / 2 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7], Lord Scourge [1 - 5], Nadia Grell [1 - 6], Qyzen [2], Risha [1 - 6], T7 [1 - 4], Tharan Cedrax [1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 7 / 8], Zenith [1 / 2 / 3 / 5 / 6 / 7]

Empire Vendor Locations[]

  • Vendor Name: Toth
  • Only available to players with an security key authenticator tied to their account.
  • Customization cost: 12,500c
  • Location: Imperial Fleet, Vaiken Spacedock at X: ? Y: ?
  • Customizations available: Kaliyo Djannis [8], Khem Val [4 / 9 / 14], Mako [8]

  • Vendor Name: Lieutenant Oarr
  • Only available to players with an security key authenticator tied to their account.
  • Customization cost: 12,500 - 20,000c
  • Location: Ilum, Space Station
  • Customizations available: Andronikos Revel [8], Ashara Zavros [1 - 3], Blizz [5], Broonmark [5], Doctor Lokin [8], Ensign Temple [8], Gault [1], Jaesa Willsaam [Dark 1 / Light 5], Lieutenant Pierce [8], Malavai Quinn [8], Talos Drellik [3], Torian Cadera [8], Vector [2], Xalek [1 - 2]

  • Vendor Name: R-N05
  • Customization cost: 20,000c
  • Location: Belsavis, Imperial Lodgement at X: 1631 Y: 1377
  • Customizations available: Blizz [1 - 3], Broonmark [1 - 3], Doctor Lokin [1 - 7], Ensign Temple [2 - 7], Lieutenant Pierce [1 - 6], Talos Drellik [1 - 7], Torian Cadera [1 - 6]

  • Vendor Name: Wel-Nolan
  • Customization cost: 12,500c
  • Location: Balmorra, Sunken Sarlacc Cantina at X: -184 Y: 1297
  • Customizations available: Kaliyo Djannis [1 - 7], Khem Val [1 / 3 / 5 / 6 / 8 / 10 / 11 / 13], Mako [1 - 6], Vette [1 / 3 - 8]

  • Vendor Name: Keth
  • Customization cost: 12,500c
  • Location: Taris, Toxic Lake Garrison at X: 6 Y: 676
  • Customizations available: Andronikos Revel [1 - 6], Gault [4 - 6], Jaesa Willsaam [Dark 2 - 4; Light 1 - 3], Kaliyo Djannis [1 - 7], Khem Val [1 / 3 / 5 / 6 / 8 / 10 / 11 / 13], Mako [1 - 6], Malavai Quinn [1 - 6], Vector [1 - 8], Vette [1 - 8]

Jedi Consular[]

Qyzen Fess[]

Tharan Cedrax[]


Lt. Felix Iresso[]

Nadia Grell[]

Jedi Knight[]


Kira Carsen[]


Sergeant Rusk[]

Lord Scourge[]


Corso Riggs[]



Akaavi Spar[]

Guss Tuno[]


Aric Jorgan[]

Elara Dorne[]


Tanno Vik[]


Sith Inquisitor[]

Khem Val[]

Andronikus Revel[]

Ashara Zavros[]

Talos Drellik[]


Sith Warrior[]


Malavai Quinn[]

Jaesa Willsaam[]

Lieutenant Pierce[]


Imperial Agent[]

Kaliyo Djannis[]

Vector Hyllis[]

Doctor Lokin[]

Ensign Raina Temple[]


Bounty Hunter[]



Torian Cadera[]


