The Legacy System is a game mechanic which links all of your characters on the same server together, and provides cross-character rewards and benefits.
The system is unlocked once your character has completed their starting planet class storyline. You MUST also be a minimum of 10th level, and you will then be able to designate a Legacy Last Name that is shared across all characters on that server, players can have identical Legacy Last Names.[1] You will also be allowed to create a family tree which is made up of other characters you have created on that server.
From this point forward, any and all characters on that server will contribute to that player's Legacy Experience Points. Much like normal experience points, when you reach certain Legacy thresholds, you will increase your Legacy Level.
Legacy Sections[]
The Legacy System consists of five separate sections which each govern a certain aspect of a player's overall legacy. Each of the five sections provides boosts and enhancements to a player's ability to gain experience, access new abilities, utilize improved items and gear, etc. and make the player's gaming experience richer and more immersive.
Character Perks[]
This section dictates special powerups that player characters can receive as they achieve certain legacy levels, granting them exponential increases to abilities that allow them to progress through the game more quickly and efficiently. There are four categories of character perks available to players:
There are six different types of player advancement in this category, each offering five tiers of experience boosts for players to take advantage of as they progress through the game on their characters.
- Improved Warzone Experience - This perk offers boosts for experience gained in all warzones
- Improved Flashpoint Experience - This perk offers boosts for experience gained in all flashpoints
- Improved Space Mission Experience - This perk offers boosts for experience gained in space missions that are not part of the Galactic Starfighter expansion
- Improved Class Mission Experience - This perk offers boosts for experience gained in a player character's story missions
- Improved Exploration Experience - This perk offers boosts for experience gained unlocking map areas on each world
- Improved Fleet Requisition Experience - This perk offers boosts for experience gained competing content in the Galactic Starfighter expansion
There are four different types of tiered powerups available for players to unlock in order to improve the ability of their companion characters to gain affection and craft items, as well as two perks designed for specific player companions.
- Legacy of Altruism - This perk increases the amount of affection a companion receives from gifts
- Legacy of Persuasion - This perk increases the amount of affection a companion receives from conversations
- Legacy of Crafting - This perk improves the odds that a companion will craft goods with augment slots on them
- Legacy of Leadership - This perk decreases the amount of time that a companion requires to sell all junk in a player's inventory
- HK-51 - This perk allows the droid companion HK-51 to be unlocked for a specific faction. Each faction has its own perk that requires unlocking
- Treek - This perk allows the Ewok companion Treek to be unlocked for a specific faction. Each faction has its own perk that requires unlocking
The perks in this category involve boosting movement abilities for the player, making it easier for them to travel on a specific planet or to travel between the different worlds in SWTOR.
- Improved Speeder Piloting - This multi-tiered perk allows players to decrease the base level at which players must reach in order to use a speeder
- Prioritry Transport - This series of perks allows players to instantly travel to the starting outpost of one of several different daily areas or player character starter planets:
- The player character's faction capital world
- The player character's faction fleet vanguard vessel
- Section X
- The Black Hole
- The Outlaw's Den
- CZ-198
- Oricon
The perks in this category allow players to perform outpost functions in the field, without having to run back to the outpost or head to your ship.
- Field Repair Droid - This multi-tiered perk allows you to summon a repair droid which can not only repair your armor but at higher tiers also act as a vendor and buy or sell goods. Higher tiers also decrease this perk's cooldown time
- Field Mail Droid - This multi-tiered perk allows you to summon a mail droid which acts as a portable mailbox. Higher tiers also decrease this perk's cooldown time
- Field Respecialization - This perk allows players to reallocate their skill points in order to build new skill trees that can benefit them with difficult in-game scenarios or allow them to assist other players in group content more quickly
This section governs the in-game reward system where players earn trophies doing a variety of tasks that are then consumed in order to earn points with a specific organizational faction. Each of the factions shares a rank system and offers special titles to players who achieve specific rank levels within their respective faction, as well as access to unique items and gear based on the player's current rank level.
Global Unlocks[]
This section grants players the ability to unlock specific game elements that apply across either characters belonging to a specific galactic faction or all characters, regardless of which faction they belong to. There are three main categories of global unlocks available to players:
Imperial/Republic Classes[]
This category shows players the rewards they can earn for completing elements of the four character class' missions (Jedi Consular/Sith Inquisitor, Jedi Knight/Sith Warrior, Smuggler/Imperial Agent, Trooper/Bounty Hunter). Each of the rewards earned here is applied to all characters in that player's legacy regardless of which character class they are, though faction-specific buff(s) for a given character will be the one(s) applied.
- Chapter 2 Emote - This specific emote is granted to players upon completing the second chapter of one of the four character class' missions
- Chapter 2 Buff - This player buff is granted to players upon completing the second chapter of one of the four character class' missions
- Chapter 3 Heroic Ability - This character class-specific ability is granted to players upon completing the third and final chapter of one of the character class' missions
In addition, there are rewards players can earn for maximizing the affection for each of the four character class' story companions (this does not include HK-51 and Treek, as they are not unique to any one character class).
There are ten playable species in SWTOR and each of the character classes is naturally restricted to using only one or two of those classes. However, players can purchase aceess to additional species either through cartel coins or by purchasing consumable items which will unlock a specific species for players to use.
This category allows players access to unlocks that can be applied to all the characters in their legacy. This is similar to the character perks section of the Legacy System, except that in this case the unlocks are applied to not just one character, but to all characters. There are five sub-categories of perks that are available for players to unlock and use.
This sub-category has two abilities that are specific to one Force alignment over the other, though both can be purchased if the player has reached a high-enough Legacy level or has a sufficient amount of credits and/or cartel coins.
- Legacy of Sacrifice - This dark side ability strips health off of your character's active companion and directly gives it to you
- Legacy of Unity - This light side ability temporarily reduces the amount of damage you and your companion take
Ship Unlocks[]
This sub-category grants unlocks for a player's personal starship, allowing them to perform outpost or spaceport tasks on their own ship.
- Repair Droid - This unlock gives gives players an astromech droid on their ship which can repair items as well as act as a vendor to sell goods to
- Ship Mailbox - This unlock gives players a mailbox on their ship, allowing them to send and receive mail
- Operations Dummy - This unlock places a special mannequin on a player's ship, which they can use to test their PvE rotations and attack schemes
- Warzone Dummy - This unlock places a special mannequin on a player's ship, which they can use to test their PvP rotations and attack schemes
- Galactic Market Kiosk - This unlock places a GTN kiosk on a player's ship, allowing them to buy and sell on the GTN from your own ship
- Guild Bank - This unlock places a guild bank kiosk on a player's ship, allowing them to deposit and withdraw goods and credits from their guild's bank
This sub-category offers four unlocks for special unarmed moves that a player character can use in combat.
- Legacy of Combat - Punch
- Legacy of Combat - Jab
- Legacy of Combat - Uppercut
- Legacy of Combat - Bash
This sub-category grants four special travel unlocks for players to get to their ship and other locations faster. Each of these unlocks has multiple tiers for progressive decreases to ability cooldown times. There is also a fifth unlock that is utilized for group activities.
- Legacy Fleet Pass - This unlock decreases the cooldown time of the Emergency Fleet Pass
- Legacy Travel - This unlock decreases the cooldown time of the Quick Travel ability
- Rocket Boost - This unlock decreases the cooldown time for using the Rocket Boost ability
- Priority Transport: Personal Starship - This unlock decreases the cooldown time for using the Priority Transport: Personal Starship ability
- Tactical Markers - This unlock grants players access to three special holographic markers which can be placed on the ground. Each of the markers represents one of the three primary playstyles (Tank, DPS, Heal) and are most often used to direct group members to specific places as preparation for an encounter or fight.
This sub-category unlocks four special emote or emote packages which can then be used by all characters in a player's legacy.
- Companion Dance - This unlock allows player characters and their companions to dance at the same time
- Tech Emotes - This unlock grants players access to the /datapad, /holocom and /map emotes
- Tool Emotes - This unlock grants players access to the /scanned, /scangreen, /binoculars, and /weld emotes
- Double Lasers Emote - This unlock grants players access to the /doublelasers emote
Family Tree[]
This section is where players can create affiliations between their various characters as friends, family, etc. and players can begin to create affiliations after they have completed the first chapter of a character's story missions. In total, there are six different types of affiliations that a character can have with other characters in a player's legacy:
- Spouse
- Child
- Adopted Child
- Sibling
- Ally
- Rival
This section covers in-game achievements that players can earn on any of their characters by accomplishing any number of different tasks, including exploration, flashpoints and operations, PvP encounters, item collections and more.
Every achievement that a player accomplishes is assigned a specific point value, which is then added to your cumulative achievement score. Certain achievements also come with secondary rewards, up to and including legacy character titles, cartel coins and fleet requisition points.
In total, there are ten categories of achievements (as of Patch 2.6) and each of them is specific to one kind of gameplay found within SWTOR:
This category is dedicated to achievements that players can earn while travelling to the different planets and daily areas. These achievements are primarily unlocked by exploring undiscovered territories on maps, discovering and unlocking datacrons, finding and reading lore objects, etc. found in the game.
This category is dedicated to achievements that players can earn while completing class missions and other story-based objectives in the game, as well as unlocking species and other features that can be applied across a player's legacy.
This category is dedicated to achievements that players can earn by accomplishing specific tasks within any of the daily areas found in the game (Ilum, Black Hole, Section X, CZ-198, Oricon). These tasks can include destroying a specific number of NPCs, completing missions a given number of times, etc.
Galactic Starfighter[]
This category is dedicated to achievements that players can earn by completing content found in the Galactic Starfighter expansion whch initially came out with Patch 2.5 and publically with Patch 2.6.
This category is dedicated to achievements that players can earn while running any of the flashpoints in the game. Achievements for this category include completing the flashpoint and boss encounters a given number of times, completing any bonus bosses a given number of times and defeating given numbers of NPCs.
This category is dedicated to achievements that players can earn while running any of the flashpoints in the game. Achievements for this category include completing the flashpoint and boss encounters a given number of times, completing any bonus bosses a given number of times and defeating given numbers of NPCs.
This category is dedicated to achievements that players can earn while participating in one of four events that are occasionally run in the game. Each of the achievements in this category are specific to the event being run and are tailored to maximizing gameplay for each of the events.
This category is dedicated to achievements that players can earn while completing space content not found as part of the Galactic Starfighter expansion and mainly include performing missions that can be accessed from the bridge of any player ship.
This category is dedicated to achievements that players can earn by maximizing the affection of their character's companions, as well as achieving a certain number of NPC kills with a given active companion.
Player vs. Player[]
This category is dedicated to achievements that players can earn while challenging other players to any PvP content (Space, Warzones, Arenas). Achievements found in this category can include overall player kills, statistical accomplishments in PvP encounters, number of wins in a given area, etc.
Legacy Creation - Star Wars The Old Republic