- (DAILY AREA) Wreck of the Stardream
- 2V-R8
- 30,000 BBY
- 3638 BBY
- 3653 BBY
- 3660 BBY
- 3661 BBY
- 3667 BBY
- 3671 BBY
- 3756 BBY
- 3951 BBY
- 3956 BBY
- 3959 BBY
- 3960 BBY
- 3963 BBY
- 3976 BBY
- AR-34 Enforcer Droid
- A Culture of Freedom
- A Map for the Future
- A Mule Out Of Water
- Abaron
- Abilities
- Absorption
- Abyssins
- Acaadi
- Accomplished Sawbones
- Accuracy Rating
- Achievement Missions
- Aching Mind
- Acidic Claws
- Acklay Matriarch
- Acklays
- Adas
- Adasca BioMechanical
- Adjudication
- Admiral
- Admiral Zasha Ranken
- Admission to the Sith Academy
- Adraas
- Adrenal Synthesis Factory
- Adrenaline Amplifier
- Advance the Line
- Advanced Class:Sith Sorcerer
- Advanced Classes
- Advanced Gear
- Advanced Prototype (Discipline)
- Advanced Prototype (Skill Tree)
- Advanced Reflex Barrel 3
- Advanced Training : Jedi Knight
- Advozsec
- Affection
- Agent Beshar
- Agent Kayd
- Agerin Minosh
- Ahlan Matale
- Ahto City
- Aim
- Ajunta's Ancient Army
- Ajunta Pall
- Ajunta Pall's Jedi Master
- Ajuur-class heavy transport
- Ak'ghal Usar
- Akaavi Spar
- Akk dogs
- Ako Domi
- Akshae Shanka
- Akure, the Ghost in the Darkness
- Alacrity
- Alderaan
- Alderaan (The Civil War)
- Alderaan Battlezone
- Aldren Dayos
- Aleco Stusea
- Aleema Keto
- Alek Teral
- Alethios
- Algrunar
- Alien Enclave
- Alien Initiatives
- Alif
- Allied Mandalorian Guard
- Allied Mandalorian Specialist
- Allusis
- Aloysius Kallig
- Altawar
- Alvena
- Alzoc III
- Ambassador
- Ambria's Fury
- An Unexpected Ally
- Anathemos
- Anatomy Lessons
- Anavus Svag
- Anchorhead
- Ancient Pylons
- Andon Organa
- Andor Vex
- Andria
- Andronikos Revel
- Andur Sunrider
- Anguish (Mental)
- Anitol Rosspar
- Annihilation (Skill Tree)
- Annihilation Droid XRR-3
- Anodyne
- Anomid Technologists
- Anomids
- Anstiss
- Antagonists (Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic)
- Anyara
- Appearance Designer
- Apprentice's Bracers
- Apprentice's Gloves
- Apprentice's Leggings
- Apprentice's Vest
- Apprentice's boots
- Apprentice Set
- Aratech Coral
- Aratech Coral (Mission)
- Aratech Fire
- Aratech Fire (Mission)
- Aratech Ice
- Aratech Ice (Mission)
- Aratech Industries
- Aratech Nightscythe
- Aratech Nightscythe (Mission)
- Aratech Scythe
- Arbiter
- Arca Jeth
- Arcann
- Arcanum
- Archaeology
- Archaeology missions
- Archenar Interception
- Archiban Frodrick Kimble
- Arcona
- Arden Lyn
- Ardun Kothe
- Area of Effect
- Arenas
- Arfan Ramos
- Argog
- Aric Jorgan
- Arkania
- Arkanian Offshoots
- Arm Yourself
- Armed Thug
- Armor
- Armor-Piercing Cell
- Armor (Item attribute)
- Armor (Items)
- Armor Rating
- Armor Rating (Character)
- Armor Reduced (Physical)
- Armor Screen
- Armor Set
- Armor Slot
- Armored Transport
- Armormech
- Armormech schematics
- Armstech
- Armstech ingredients
- Arosh
- Arren Kae
- Arsenal (Discipline)
- Arsenal (Skill Tree)
- Artifice
- Artifice Bonded Attachments
- Artifice Ingredients
- Artifice Schematics 1-49
- Artifice Schematics 50-99
- Artifice schematics
- Artificial Intelligence
- Artus Lok
- Aryn Leneer
- Arzanon
- Asation
- Ascendant
- Ascendant Spear
- Ascercia
- Ashara Zavros
- Asharl panthers
- Ashy
- Aspiring Knight's Armor Set
- Aspiring Knight's Boots
- Aspiring Knight's Bracers
- Aspiring Knight's Gloves
- Aspiring Knight's Leggings
- Aspiring Knight's Vest
- Aspiring Knight's Waistcord
- Assault
- Assault Specialist (Skill Tree)
- Assault droid
- Assembly Chamber
- Astromech droid
- Astromechalla
- Asylum
- Athena Karkanis
- Athiss
- Atmosphere of Makeb
- Atmosphere of Quesh
- Atris
- Atrophying Attacks
- Attack Types
- Attack of the Flesh Raiders
- Atton Rand
- Augment
- Aurebesh
- Aurek-class tactical strikefighter
- Auriga Fire
- Aurora
- Aven
- Aven Geth
- Aves
- Avesta Family
- Avesta Militia
- Avitla
- Avorr
- Awdrysta Pina
- Awe
- Axehead frigate
- Axial Park
- Azalus-class dreadnought
- Azura Skye
- B-28 Extinction-class bomber
- B-3G9
- B-4D Legion
- B-5 Decimus
- BSX-5 Dreadnought
- BT-7 Thunderclap
- Backlash
- Bacta Infusion
- Badmil
- Bahlea
- Bakkel
- Bala Nisi
- Balance (Skill Tree)
- Balic Cormac
- Balmorra
- Balmorran Arms Factory
- Balmorran Corporations
- Balmorran Pollution
- Balmorran Resistance
- Balmorran Resistance Armor Set
- Balosar Outpost
- Banthas
- Bao-Dur
- Barabbula
- Baran Do Sages
- Barbed Ginx
- Barel Ovair
- Barel Ovair's father
- Barel Ovair's grandfather
- Barrage
- Barrison Draay
- Bashun
- Basilisk war droid
- Baspoor glider
- Bastila Shan
- Battle-Worn Blaster Carbine
- Battle Droid R4-GL
- Battle droid
- Battle meditation
- Battle of Agamar
- Battle of Alderaan
- Battle of Bothawui
- Battle of Corbos
- Battle of Rakata Prime
- Battlelord Kreshan
- Battlemaster Commendation
- Battlemaster Gear Sets
- Batu Rem
- Beast Master
- Beast Riders
- Beast Wars
- Beast of Marka Ragnos
- Beastmaster of Tython
- Bedoch
- Bedside Manner
- Begeren
- Beharen Droid Factory
- Bela Kiwiiks
- Belaya
- Belos
- Belsavis
- Belsavis Automated Security
- Belsavis Prison Break
- Belsavis Prison Personnel
- Belsavis Prisoners
- Belsavis Vaults
- Belth Allusis
- Benevolence
- Bengel Morr
- Benjamin Carré
- Benn
- Benna Lodd
- Berardesco
- Berethon
- Berooken's executive cruiser
- Bertie Carvel
- Beryl Thorne
- Beskad
- Bessiker
- Bestiary
- Bex Kolos
- Bey’wan Aygo
- Bi-wing snub fighter
- Bill Erso
- Bind
- Binds on Equip
- Binds on Pickup
- Binds on Use
- BioWare
- Bioanalysis
- Biochem
- Biochem ingredients
- Biochem schematics
- Bith
- Black Bisector
- Black Codex: Operation: Shining Man (Agent)
- Black Codex: Origins of the Star Cabal (Agent)
- Black Codex: The Star Cabal’s Endgame (Agent)
- Black Market Equipment
- Black Market Mods
- Black Sun
- Black Talon
- Black Talon Hunter's Body Armor
- Black Talon Hunter's Boots
- Black Talon Inquisitor's Boots
- Black Talon Inquisitor's Gloves
- Black Talon Juggernaut's Boots
- Black Talon Juggernaut's Gauntlets
- Black Talon Keen-Edged Vibroknife
- Black Talon Marauder's Tunic
- Black Talon Operative's Jacket
- Black Talon Powertech's Power Generator
- Black Talon Pulse-Wave Blaster
- Black Vulkar Base
- Black Vulkar swoop gang
- Blackstar Squad
- Blade-class starfighter
- Blade Storm
- Blade of the Ancients
- Blademaster's Clan Varad Body Armor
- Blademaster's Clan Varad Boots