Star Wars: The Old Republic Wiki

While there are countless worlds in the Galaxy, the following planets (and moons) can be traveled to via the galaxy map on the player's personal starship, provided that their faction is not restricted from accessing the planet.

Some worlds will include 'world-level' bosses (e.g., massive robots, rancors) that will require larger groups to defeat.[1] Many of the planets have been developed in ways that show the progression of cultures and politics on that world; for example, the path of Jedi resettlement on Tython can be traced, the past wars on Balmorra can be identified in different zones, and the continuing presence of damaged ruins as opposed to areas of new construction on Coruscant helps reveal the twisted politics of the capitol-world.[2]

Starter planets (Lv 1-10)[]

Original planets (Lv 10-50)[]

Rise of the Hutt Cartel planets (Lv 50-55)[]

Shadow of Revan planets (Lv 55-60)[]

Knights of the Fallen Empire planets (Lv 60-65)[]

Knights of the Eternal Throne planets (Lv 65-70)[]

List of planets[]

Planet Allegiance/Government Start level End level Rim Other Information
Alderaan Contested 28 32 Coreward Worlds Chapter 1 planet (both factions)
Balmorra Contested (Imperial occupied) 16 (I), 32 (R) 20 (I), 36 (R) Coreward Worlds Chapter 1 planet (Imperial), Chapter 2 starting planet (Republic)
Belsavis Galactic Republic 41 44 Distant Outer Rim Chapter 3 starting planet (both factions)
Corellia Galactic Republic 47 50 Coreward Worlds Chapter 3 ending planet (both factions)
Coruscant Galactic Republic 10 16 Core Worlds Prologue world (Republic)
CZ-198 Czerka Corporation 55 55 Unknown Regions Level 55 Elder Game Flashpoint content (both factions)
Darvannis Hutt Cartel, Eternal Empire 65 65 Hutt Space Star Wars: The Old Republic: Knights of the Fallen Empire Chapter 14 world (both factions)
Dromund Kaas Sith Empire 10 16 Seat of the Empire Prologue world (Imperial)
Hoth None (contested) 37 41 Distant Outer Rim Chapter 2 ending world (both factions)
Ilum None 50 50 Unknown Regions Level 50 endgame content (both factions)
Iokath 70 70 Wild Space Level 70 daily and operation area (both factions)
Korriban Sith Empire 1 10 Seat of the Empire Starting zone for Sith Warrior and Sith Inquisitor
Hutta Hutt Cartel 1 10 Hutt Space Starting zone for Imperial Agent and Bounty Hunter
Makeb Independent (Hutt Controlled) 50 55 Hutt Space Chapter 4 starting world (Rise of the Hutt Cartel, requires expansion, both factions)
Manaan Independent 55 55 Core Worlds Level 55 Elder Game Flashpoint content (both factions)
Nar Shaddaa Hutt Cartel 20 24 Hutt Space Chapter 1 world (both factions)
Odessen Player Alliance 65 65 Wild Space Star Wars: The Old Republic: Knights of the Fallen Empire hub (both factions)
Ord Mantell Galactic Republic 1 10 Mid Rim Starting zone for Smuggler and Trooper
Oricon Dread Masters 55 55 Seat of the Empire Level 55 precursor to Dread Master Operations (both factions)
Quesh Galactic Republic 36 37 Hutt Space Chapter 2 world (both factions)
Rishi Independent 55 58 Outer Rim Chapter 5 world (both factions)
Taris Independent (Republic Controlled) 16 (R), 32 (I) 20 (R), 36 (I) Seat of the Empire Chapter 1 world (Republic), Chapter 2 starting world (Imperial)
Tatooine Separated 24 28 Distant Outer Rim Chapter 1 world (both factions)
Tython Galactic Republic 1 10 Deep Core Starting zone for Jedi Knight and Jedi Consular
Voss Independent 44 47 Outer Rim Chapter 3 world (both factions)
Yavin 4 Sith Empire 58 60 Seat of the Empire Chapter 5 world (both factions)
Zakuul Eternal Empire 60 65 Wild Space Star Wars: The Old Republic: Knights of the Fallen Empire world (both factions)
Ziost Sith Empire 60 60 Seat of the Empire Chapter 5 world (both factions)

