Different users have access to different functions of the site. While anyone can do most things on the site, including reading and editing, administrators can access a few additional functions.
Administrator abilities
These additional functions include:
- Deletion and un-deletion:
- pages
- page histories
- picture/video files
- Locking (protecting) a page so it cannot be edited or renamed by select users
- Blocking IP addresses or user names from editing
- Editing the interface by changing system messages and skins
- Rollback undesirable edits
- Rename pages or image files
- Promote users to Rollback or Chat Moderator status
Bureaucrat abilities
A bureaucrat is the equivalent of an administrator, but with the ability to promote other users to both administrator and bureaucrat status.
Bureaucrats can also give users the ability to "rollback" edits not made in good faith.
Staff and Janitors
Some Wikia staff members have full access to all Wikia. They will be shown in Special:Listusers/staff on any wiki. Wikia janitors have limited administrator access to all Wikia for cleanup purposes. These users will be shown on Special:Listusers/janitor on any Wikia. Please see Help:Contacting Wikia for details on how to contact Wikia staff.
Who are this wiki's administrators?
The "founder" of a wiki, the person who first requested it, is given administrator access automatically. Founders are also given bureaucrat access so they can make any other user on their wiki an administrator or bureaucrat. For a complete list of users with administrator access, see Special:Listusers/sysop.
How do I use administrator powers?
See Help:Administrators' how-to guide for a guide on using admin functions.
How do I become an administrator?
For you to become an administrator, someone with bureaucrat access must make you one. If you want to ask for administrative privileges, ask one of the active or semi-active administrators above on their talk page for more information. If an administrator puts out a public message asking for more members to join the Admin staff, then you can inquire directly. Also be sure to join the public Discord and get added to the #wiki channel.
If you were promoted to administrator, see Help:Administrators' how-to guide for how to use your new abilities.
If you were promoted to bureaucrat, then don't see it as a big change from an administrator. Sometimes members of Wikia staff or admins from other Wikis may send you messages regarding inter-Wiki interaction, but it's almost no different from an administrator.
If you were denied a promotion to either status, don't look at it as though it's a bad thing. The administrator you contacted may not think that you're ready for the position, or he/she may have a different reason for not promoting you. Whatever the case, you may get another chance once the current admins think you're ready to join them.
Current Positions
There are currently three (3) admins on this Wiki. The maximum number, due to community consensus, is four (4), so there is currently one (1) position open. Users who whish to fill this slot may contact one of the active administrators above, who will review your Wiki contributions and determins if you are suitible for the post.
What can administrators not do?
Administrators should not use their administrator powers to settle editing disputes; for example, to lock a page on a version he or she prefers in an editing dispute that isn't vandalism. Administrator powers should be used to help keep the wiki clear of vandalism, spam, and users who make malicious edits, but not for simple disagreements between users acting in good faith. Ideally an admin shouldn't be considered "in charge". The ideal admin is just someone who is trusted to have a few extra buttons and to use them for the benefit of the Wikia community.
Adopting this Wiki
If there are no active bureaucrats and you wish to become an administrator or adopt the wiki, please contact the community staff. If there are other active editors but no active bureaucrats/admins, you should first discuss with them on who should become the active administrator.