Star Wars: The Old Republic Wiki
Star Wars: The Old Republic Wiki
Sith Empire
Sith sorcerer
Sith Empire
Starter classes

Sith Inquisitor

Playable species

Sith Pureblood


Ranged DPS


Light armor


Single saber




Sith Empire


Force lightning
Force Drain

"The dark side holds dangerous secrets and immense power. The Sith Sorcerer draws energy from the Force's forbidden depths, mastering techniques that sap and drain enemies as they invigorate allies–or simply wreak utter devastation. The air around a Sorcerer crackles with lightning, and all foolish enough oppose a Sorcerer know suffering on a vast scale. All Sith Sorcerers embrace the power of the Force and can opt to learn the arts of Lightning, unleashing powerful storms and crushing opponents; Corruption, binding a Sorcerer’s life force and strengthening allies through rituals that mitigate blows and knit flesh; and Madness, afflicting targets with nightmares that cripple their combat prowess and drain them of strength."
―In-game Codex (Game Rules)[src]

The Sith sorcerer is one of the of two advanced class of the Sith Inquisitor; the other is the Sith assassin.

They are the Sith counterpart of the Jedi Sage.

Primary Focus[]


The two sorcerer skill trees are Lightning and Corruption. The shared Sorcerer and Assassin discipline is Madness.


Blue Glass Arrow Main article: Lightning
Channels the Force to overload the Inquisitor's enemies with blasts of lightning.


Blue Glass Arrow Main article: Corruption
Uses dark power to maintain allies' health in battle, and protect from incoming damage.


Blue Glass Arrow Main article: Discipline:Madness
Increases the Inquisitor's mastery of the Force to drain and corrupt his enemies.


Name Level Learned Cast Time Cooldown Force Cost Range Description
Force Attunement 10 Passive Passive NA Self Attuned to the Force, your maximum Force is increased by 400.
Sith Lifebinder 10 Passive Passive NA Self Reduces the cool down of Revive by 100%
Transmission 10 Passive Passive NA Self Increases the range of Force Lightning, Shock, Jolt, Crushing Darkness and Force Slow by 20 meters. Also increases the duration of Whirlwind to 60 seconds.
Lightning Strike 10 1.50 sec Instant 30 30 m Fires a charge of lightning at the target, deals x energy damage.
Dark Heal 10 1.50 sec Instant 50 30 m Heals a friendly target for x health.
Dark Infusion 12 3 sec Instant 55 30 m Heals a friendly target for y health.
Static Barrier 14 Instant 4.50 sec 65 30 m Surrounds the target in a lightning shield that lasts 30 seconds and absorbs a high amount of damage. Protected targets become deionized and cannot benefit from Static Barrier again for 20 seconds.
Consumption 20 Instant Instant NA Self Consumes 15% of your maximum health to restore 8% of your maximum Force. Each time this ability is used, your Force regeneration rate is reduced by 25% for the next 10 seconds. Stacks up to 4 times.
Purge 24 Instant 4.50 sec 30 30 m Purges a friendly target of up to 2 negative mental or Force effects.
Cloud Mind 30 Instant 45 sec NA NA Wipes your enemies' thoughts, instantly lowering your threat by a moderate amount.
Force Storm 12 6 sec (channeled) Instant 100 30 m Calls down a Force storm over the target area, dealing 694-845 energy damage over 6 seconds to all targets within 8 meters. Affected enemies are additionally slowed by 30% for as long as they remain in the area of effect. In addition, standard and weak targets have a 33% chance to be stunned by the storm each second.
Extrication 42 Instant 1 minute 30 30 m Lowers the target's threat by a moderate amount and, if the target is a party member, pulls the target to your location.
Reanimation 50 1.50 sec 5 minutes 30 30 m Revives an incapacitated ally. This ability is usable while in combat. When used, all party members can neither use nor be the target of an in-combat revival for the next 5 minutes.
Force Barrier 51 Instant 180 Seconds None None Projects a Force Barrier around you, granting immunity to all control, damage, and negative effects while channelled. This ability does not affect the Global Cooldown and can be used while controlled. While you are protected by Force Barrier, charges will build up and grant Enduring Bastion, a shield that absorbs an amount of damage based off the charges that are present when Force Barrier ends. Enduring Bastion also grants immunity to interrupts.
