Star Wars: The Old Republic Wiki
SWTOR Space Missions (2)

Following the end of the Great Galactic War, Space Battles between the Republic and Sith Empire and various third parties continued across the galaxy despite the Treaty of Coruscant.[1]. In addition, there are missions available that involve the completion of several space battles. These missions occasionally provide upgrades for the ship.

List of Space Battles[]

The space battles available are listed below. The fuel cost (credits) for each mission changes depending on where the player currently is. Each space battle has a primary and three secondary objectives. While the primary objective is visible from the start of the battle, secondar objectives are first shown upon starting completion. Secondary objectives usually involve:

  • Destroy a large amount of enemy fighters and or turrets
  • Destroy a large amount of enemy turrets and or shield generators
  • Destroy one or more large enemy ships

Note that some secondary objectives are rumored to be level capped, so they might not be completable until you have reached a certain level. Also some secondary objectives are almost impossible to complete without proton torpedoes.

Sith Empire
Sith Empire
Sith Empire
Name Level Credits Duration Commendations
Jabiim Escort 12 330 3:17 1
Saleucami Fleet Action 12 330 4:31 1
Cartel Listening Station 12 330 6:28 1
Nez Peron Sweep 20 645 4:00 1
Sarapin Assault 20 645 4:30 1
Taspan Ambush 28 1413 3:25 1
Ezran Outpost 28 1413 6:26 1
Skaross Fortification 34 2227 5:05 3
Mugaar Ice Field 34 2227 4:33 3
Sullust Interception 40 3247 4:01 3
Polith Minefield 40 3247 7:54 3
Aeten Defense 44 4020 5:14 5
Clouds of Vondoru 44 4020 4:33 5
Ascendancy Barrier 48 4905 7:55 5

Galactic Republic
Galactic Republic
Galactic Republic
Name Level Credits Duration Commendations
Fondor Escort 12 330 3:17 1
Javaal Fleet Action 12 330 6:28 1
Balosar Outpost 12 330 4:31 1
Archenar Interception 20 645 4:30 1
Makem Te Assault 20 645 4:00 1
Syvris Evacuation 28 1413 3:25 1
Llanic Station Strike 28 1413 6:26 1
Pakuuni Defense 34 2227 5:05 3
Kovor Ice Field 34 2227 4:33 3
Hydian Way Blockade 40 3247 7:54 3
Drexel Sweep 40 3247 4:01 3
Kalee Fortification 44 4020 5:21 5
Zosha Advance 44 4020 4:48 5
Impossible Sector 48 4905 7:55 5

List of Space Missions[]

The space missions available are listed below. Each consists of one or more space battles and can be repeated daily.

Sith Empire
Sith Empire
Sith Empire
Name Level Missions Cost Commendations XP
Operation Silent Roar 20 Jabiim Escort N/A Fleet Commendation 5 Fleet Commendation N/A
Operation Echo Quake 24 Saleucami Fleet Action, Cartel Listening Station c Credits (1,320) Fleet Commendation 7 Fleet Commendation XP +7093
Operation Eternal Domain 28 Nez Peron Sweep, Sarapin Assault c Credits (1,885) Fleet Commendation 8 Fleet Commendation XP +8250
Operation Molten Splinter 32 Taspan Ambush, Ezran Outpost c Credits (2,575) Fleet Commendation 11 Fleet Commendation XP +9412
Operation Rising Fury 36 Skaross Fortification, Mugaar Ice Field N/A Fleet Commendation 14 Fleet Commendation N/A
Operation Sweeping Menace 40 Polith Minefield, Sullust Interception N/A N/A N/A
Operation Raging Dawn 44 Aeten Defense, Clouds of Vondoru N/A Fleet Commendation 20 Fleet Commendation N/A
Operation Ascendant Pride 48 Ascendancy Barrier N/A N/A N/A

Galactic Republic
Galactic Republic
Galactic Republic
Name Level Missions Cost Commendations XP
Operation Midnight Freedom 20 Fondor Escort c Credits (645) Fleet Commendation 5 Fleet Commendation XP +2650
Operation Searing Light 24 Balosar Outpost, Javaal Fleet Action c Credits (1,584) Fleet Commendation 7 Fleet Commendation XP +9925
Operation Noble Gambit 27 Archenar Interception, Makem Te Assault c Credits (1,885) Fleet Commendation 8 Fleet Commendation XP +8250
Operation Ardent Wave Syvris Evacuation, Llanic Station Strike 32 c Credits (2,575) Fleet Commendation 11 Fleet Commendation XP +9412
Operation Glory Cyclone 36 Pakuuni Defense, Kovor Ice Field c Credits (6,102) Fleet Commendation 14 Fleet Commendation XP +11835
Operation Sunder Zero 40 Hydian Way Blockade, Drexel Sweep N/A N/A N/A
Operation Grand Nova 44 Kalee Fortification, Zosha Advance c Credits (9,648) Fleet Commendation 20 Fleet Commendation XP +17372
Operation New Eclipse 48 Impossible Sector N/A N/A N/A

List of enemy ships[]

During the space battles you will encounter different classes of enemy ships, these include:

Sith Empire
Sith Empire
Sith Empire

Galactic Republic
Galactic Republic
Galactic Republic

External links[]

