Star Wars: The Old Republic Wiki

The Valor rank is displayed on the Character Sheet.

Valor points is one of two types of special rewards from Warzones, the other being Warzone Commendations.

As the player earns Valor points, the player's Valor rank increases. The player's current Valor rank can be inspected on the Character Sheet just below the attributes and Social level.

Apart from granting a title to the player for each 10 Valor ranks gained as shown in the table below, some PvP items, e.g. the Korrealis Sovereign, also require that the player be of a certain Valor rank in order to purchase, use or equip them.

Valor ranks are currently capped at rank 65 thus only allowing for the Battlemaster title.

Valor ranks[]

Valor rank Points required Title granted
10 12300 Skirmisher
20 42650 Duelist
30 96750 Gladiator
40 173330 Centurion
50 262650 Champion
60 544925 Battlemaster
70 1079575 War Hero
80 1888625 Conqueror
90 ? Warlord
100 ? Elite Warlord

Rank Points Rank Points Rank Points Rank Points
1 0 26 5530 51 9530 76 83630
2 1000 27 5770 52 13685 77 89080
3 1100 28 6000 53 17840 78 94530
4 1200 29 6240 54 21995 79 99980
5 1300 30 6480 55 26150 80 105430
6 1400 31 6720 56 30305 81 110880
7 1500 32 6960 57 34460 82 122138
8 1530 33 7190 58 38615 83 133396
9 1540 34 7430 59 42770 84 144654
10 1730 35 7670 60 46925 85 155912
11 1970 36 7910 61 51080 86 167170
12 2200 37 8010 62 51610 87 178428
13 2440 38 8120 63 52140 88 189686
14 2680 39 8230 64 52670 89 200944
15 2920 40 8340 65 53200 90 212202
16 3150 41 8450 66 53730 91 223460
17 3390 42 8550 67 54260 92 229960
18 3630 43 8660 68 54790 93 236460
19 3870 44 8770 69 55320 94 242960
20 4100 45 8880 70 55850 95 ?
21 4340 46 8990 71 56380 96 ?
22 4580 47 9090 72 61830 97 ?
23 4820 48 9200 73 67280 98 ?
24 5050 49 9310 74 72730 99 ?
25 5290 50 9420 75 78180 100 ?

